
Davenport College has an active and enthusiastic Fellowship. Davenport’s Fellowship includes Fellows (distinguished Faculty and Staff at the University) and Associate Fellows (often Davenport alum or people who have made important contributions to New Haven and the larger society).

A (1) | B (14) | C (11) | D (5) | E (1) | F (4) | G (11) | H (11) | J (1) | K (8) | L (8) | M (8) | N (3) | O (2) | P (5) | R (6) | S (12) | T (4) | V (3) | W (6) | Z (1)

Mary Beth Raycraft

Independent Scholar


After a long career as a French faculty member and administrator at several universities, I am continuing my research on late 19th and early 20th-century French women authors. I also enjoy tutoring students in French and helping high school students prepare college applications. I'm a mom with 3 kids in college/grad school in Michigan, Colorado and Tokyo. I love learning languages and am currently studying Japanese. In my free time, I play tennis and practice piano. I also volunteer as a tutor, translator, and college admissions advisor.

Contact Information:

Walter Reich

Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Professor of International Affairs, Ethics and Human Behavior and Professor of Psychiatry, George Washington University


Walter Reich is the Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Professor of International Affairs, Ethics and Human Behavior, and Professor of Psychiatry, at George Washington University; Lecturer in Psychiatry at Yale; a former Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; a Co-Chair of the Committee of Concerned Scientists; a member of the Honorary Advisory Board of the Fortunoff Videoarchive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale; and a former Non-Resident Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution. Husband of Tova Reich, novelist; father of three children (Daniel Reich [B.A. Yale, 1993--Davenport College; M.D., Cornell Medical School; Ph.D. [neuroscience], Rockefeller University; completed residencies in neurology, radiology and neurology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; Senior Invesigator and Chief of the Translational Neuroradiology Section, Division of Neuroimmunology & Neurovirology at the National Institutes of Health {https://research.ninds.nih.gov/staff-directory/daniel-s-reich-md-phd}; David Reich [B.A., Harvard, 1996; Ph.D., Oxford; Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School {https://reich.hms.harvard.edu/} and Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard {https://heb.fas.harvard.edu/people/david-reich}; and Rebecca Reich, B.A., Yale, 2000--Davenport College; PhD, Harvard; Fellow of Jesus College, Director of Studies in Modern and Medieval Languages and
Associate Professor of Russian Literature and Culture, Cambridge University)

Contact Information:

Daniel Reich

Senior Investigator, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health; Adjunct Professor of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine


Dr. Daniel Reich, Senior Investigator at NIH/NINDS, leads clinical studies on multiple sclerosis and is an attending neuroradiologist at the NIH Clinical Center. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Yale University and Johns Hopkins University. He earned his undergraduate degree in math and physics from Yale (Davenport College), a PhD in neurophysiology from The Rockefeller University, and an MD from Cornell. Dr. Reich founded the North American Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis (NAIMS) Cooperative and serves as federal liaison to several multiple sclerosis-related boards and committees. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and an elected member of the Association of American Physicians and the American Society of Clinical Investigation, and he has received prestigious awards for his research, including the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Barancik Award for Innovation in Multiple Sclerosis Research. His NIH lab focuses on advanced MRI techniques for multiple sclerosis, conducting interventional clinical trials and exploring noninvasive imaging modalities to understand tissue damage mechanisms.

Dr. Reich has published over 300 papers, given over 150 invited lectures globally, and supervised numerous scientists and clinicians. Dr. Daniel Reich obtained a BS in Math and Physics from Yale College, a PhD in neurophysiology from The Rockefeller University, and an MD from Cornell. He completed residencies in neurology and radiology and obtained a fellowship in neuroradiology from Johns Hopkins Hospital.


Dr. Reich enjoys classical music, running, biking, traveling, and reading. Dr. Reich’s daughter, Josie Reich, is in the Davenport College Class of 2026. His father, Dr. Walter Reich, is also a fellow of Davenport College.

Contact Information:

John S Robinson

CEO, GHP Media Inc.


Have worked 40 years in the commercial printing industry. Continue to work with undergraduates and graduates to accomplish their print goals. Husband of Lupi Phillips Robinson, Davenport 1971. Father of two and grandfather of five.

John S Robinson received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Yale College in 1970 and his Master of Public and Private Management from Yale School of Management in 1980.

Contact Information:

Lupi Phillips Robinson

Director of Marketing GHP (retired)


I worked in health policy and marketing communication for a variety of organizations—corporate and non-profit—during most of my career before becoming Director of Marketing at GHP, a Printing and Media company of which my husband is the CEO. I continue to follow health policy and developments in biomedical science. I am an active Yale alum having chaired our 50th reunion (twice) and serving as a Class representative (DC) to the Assembly of Yale Alumni. My family (including 5 grandchildren) is the focus of my personal life. Interests include gardening, walking, and consuming mysteries and police procedurals in all formats.

Contact Information:

Sarah Rosen

Journalist and film director


I'm a filmmaker and journalist. My films have played at the New York Jewish Film Festival and San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, among others. My writing has appeared in the New York Times, Harper's, and other publications. I live in Brooklyn and work in both the US and Israel. I love old movies and walking around New York's parks. I grew up in New Haven and have a take on the Pepe's v. Sally's debate!

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