Intramurals (IMs)

Reigning Tyng Cup Champions, Davenport IM’s wants YOU to come out today! Check the schedule and the whiteboard outside the dining hall for updates on games and schedules. Come support Davenport and play IMs!

Fall IMs

Fall IMs include ping pong, tennis, golf, cross-sountry, coed and men’s football, men’s and women’s soccer, coed outdoor volleyball. Get out there and play!

Winter IMs

The winter IM sports are swimming, bowling, innertube water polo, men’s and women’s volleyball, ice hockey, men’s and women’s squash, and men’s and women’s basketball. No previous experience is required!

Spring IMs

Spring IMs are all coed, and include billiards, badminton, soccer, softball, golf, dodgeball, volleyball and ultimate.

Contact your IM Secretaries for questions:             
  • Cici Baillie ‘25

  • Zachary Jacobus ‘26

  • Axel Vermaat ‘26

  • Katie Meine ‘27

  • Gabriel Escobedo ‘27