Student Employees

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College Aides

Intramural Secretaries

Communication and Consent Educators

Kitchen Managers

Dive Staff

College Aides

Davenport College Aides are students who work for the College Office and help with the daily running of the college. This year, the Aides are:

Angela Ngono Noumedem ‘26
Head Aide

Jesus Ramos ‘25
Head Aide                                     

Stephania Chavez-Cisneros ‘25
Head Aide

Ashley Ake ‘25

Jennifer Le  ‘25

Montserrat Rodriguez  ‘25

Tsion Agaro ‘26

Jayson Wright ‘26

Sara  Molina ‘26

Gia Cook ‘26

Vivian Doan ‘26

Osaru Uwa-Omede ‘26

Rachel Kim ‘26

Humyra Karim ‘26

Gina Kim ‘26 

Hilldana Tibebu ‘27

Lily Huang ‘27

Umid Usmanov ‘26

Matthew Chen ‘27 Joshua Lozano-Carbajal ‘27 Kristine Li ‘27
Sidney Arthur ‘27 Sundeep Kaur ‘27

Ella Saputra ‘27 

Max Smith ‘28

Sonja Aibel ‘28

Ana Garfield ‘28

Aaron Lin ‘28

Anthony Sarceno ‘28


Intramural Secretaries

Intramural Secretaries coordinate Davenport’s highly successful IM teams.

Cici Baillie ‘25

Zachary Jacobus ‘26

Axel Vermaat ‘26

Katie Meine ‘27

Gabriel Escobedo ‘27


Communication and Consent Educators

The Communication and Consent Educators (CCEs) are a large, diverse group of undergraduates working together to foster a more positive sexual and social climate on campus. 

Kaley Mafong ‘26

Gia Cook ‘26

Humyra Karim ‘26


Elizabeth Chivers ‘26


Kitchen Managers

The Kitchen Managers control access to the student kitchen and monitor it for cleanliness. To make a reservation, use this link: If you have any questions, email them at

Dive Managers

The Dive Managers coordinate student staffing at the Dive, Davenport’s buttery. They are assisted by student Dive workers so that the buttery can be open every night.

Koray Akduman ‘25

Charlie Stephenson ‘25