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Communication and Consent Educators
College Aides -
Davenport Aides are students who work for the College Office and help with the daily running of the college. This year the Aides are:
Angela Ngono Noumedem ‘26 |
Jesus Ramos ‘25 |
Stephania Chavez-Cisneros ‘25 |
Ashley Ake ‘25 |
Sara Molina ‘26 |
Jennifer Le ‘25 |
Jayson Wright ‘26 |
Tsio Agaro ‘26 |
Montserrat Rodriguez ‘25 |
Intramural Secretaries -
Intramural Secretaries coordinate Davenport’s highly successful IM teams.
Thomas Hamblet ‘24 |
Linda He ‘24 |
Grady Morrissey ‘24 |
Cici Baillie ‘25 |
Communication and Consent Educators -
The Communication and Consent Educators (CCEs) are a large, diverse group of undergraduates working together to foster a more positive sexual and social climate on campus.
Kitchen Managers -
The Kitchen Managers control access to the student kitchen and monitor it for cleanliness. To make a reservation, use this link: https://calendar.app.google/1KRi9mLKSPJj9pLC7. If you have any questions, email them at davenportkitchen@gmail.com.
Dive Staff -
The Dive Managers coordinate student staffing at the Dive, Davenport’s buttery. They are assisted by student Dive workers so that the buttery can be open every night.