
Residential College Math & Science Tutoring Program

For a list of tutors, the schedule, and more information, see the Residential College Math & Science Tutoring Program website.

Residential College Writing Tutoring Program

Lincoln Caplan is Davenport’s writing tutor. He holds office hours by appointment in room N13 on:

  • Monday 4-7p
  • Wednesday 7-9p
  • Thursday 4-7p

To schedule an appointment with the writing tutor or for more information, see please The Writing Center website.

Lincoln Caplan is the Truman Capote Visiting Lecturer in Law and a Senior Research Scholar in Law at Yale Law School. He is the author of The Tenth Justice: The Solicitor General and the Rule of LawSkadden: Power, Money and the Rise of an Empire, Up Against the Law: Affirmative Action and the Supreme Court, and other books about the law. He is a regular contributor to the website of The New Yorker where he was a staff writer, to The American Scholar where he is a member of the editorial board, and to Harvard Magazine. He wrote about the Supreme Court as a member of the editorial board of The New York Times, was the editor and president of Legal Affairs magazine, and is a former White House Fellow, Guggenheim Fellow, and Fellow at Yale’s Whitney Humanities Center. His most recent book, American Justice 2016: the Political Supreme Court, about the Court’s 2015 Term, was published in October of 2016.