I am an observational seismologist who uses recordings of earthquake waves to study the structure of the deep Earth. I'm interested in several different aspects of the Earth system, including subduction zones (sites of material exchange between the Earth's surface and its interior) and the core-mantle boundary (the bottom boundary layer of the mantle's convective system). Understanding how the Earth's interior works helps us to better understand phenomena that we see at the Earth's surface, such as plate tectonics, mountain building, and hazards such as earthquakes and volcanoes. I'm a Massachusetts native and have lived in New England for most of my life. I'm a big sports fan and especially love the Red Sox, the Patriots, and women's soccer and college basketball. I love to read, hike, and travel, and recently visited Iceland for the first time. My newest hobby is learning a little bit of the Irish language, which is fun and challenging. I live with my husband and two children (ages 13 and 10) in Cheshire, CT.