Marc Wortman

Brief biography: 

I am multi-award-winning independent historian and freelance journalist. I am the author of five books on American military, technology, and social history, most recently The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived: Tom Watson Jr. and the Epic Story of How IBM Created the Digital Age. My previous book, Admiral Hyman Rickover: Engineer of Power, was named a National Review Book of the Year and received an honorable mention for the John Lyman Award in biography from the North American Society for Oceanic History. I have written for many publications, including Vanity Fair, Smithsonian, Rolling Stone, Time, and The Daily Beast. I live in New Haven with my wife and have two children, one adult, one college age. I have coached numerous New Haven youth baseball and basketball teams. When I am not writing, I am reading, exercising, or enjoying life with neighbors and friends.

Profession and title: 
Freelance journalist and author